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Fresh Start Pallet Products Builds 28 Raised Garden Beds for Manchester Community Garden

AUGUST 15, 2021

Spruce Street Community Garden with 28 Raised Garden Beds.

The Town of Manchester selected Fresh Start Pallet Products to build 28 Raised Garden Beds at their Community Center on Spruce Street.

The project was funded by a grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and allowed the town to replace some older garden beds. The new Garden Beds were 33 inches high to allow access without having to bend for extended periods of time. The higher beds also allow handicapped access for some of the town’s residents.

Preparation of the site by town Engineering and Maintenance personnel. Excess top soil was used to fill the large Garden Beds.

The project was managed by the Office of Neighborhoods & Families for the Town of Manchester. James Przybylski, Recreation Supervisor, coordinated town Engineering, Maintenance and other departments to prepare the site and fill the large beds with top soil. Staff at Fresh Start Pallet Products built the 4 by 8-foot beds in panels that were assembled on site by Fresh Start volunteers and staff over several days.

Fox News Channel 61 heard about the effort and covered the project at both the Fresh Start Pallet Products shop on Sargeant Street in Hartford and at the Spruce Street location.

Partially completed Garden Beds.

Fresh Start Pallet Products is a 501c3 non-profit based in Hartford, Connecticut. Fresh Start provides people the opportunity to rebuild themselves, their lives and in turn build high quality furniture and more for their customers.

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